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TV Series Ideas

Critical Roll Critical Roll is an anthology series based on the table top board game Dungeons and Dragons, each 3 episodes would focus on...

Graphic Novel Ideas

Conscience After an incident during a space exploration mission, John Jefferson is almost killed, to save his life Jefferson's...

Final choice

I am quite certain that i want to go with my league of losers idea for my graphic novel and critical roll for my tv series.


So today I pitched my ideas for both my TV series and my graphic novel, I didn't get much feedback but the little i got seemed to be...

Tv series idea 2

An anthology series based in a dungeons and dragons world, each episode centres around 3 characters, the show will play out as if every...

Summer Brief

University of Central Lancashire Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences School of Art, Design and Performance Course/Area: BA...

Element of animation

So I was having a look at the summer brief which I should probably post here, it says that the graphic novels must have an element of...

Graphic Novel drawings

So these are some character designs for on of my graphic novel ideas, League of Losers

7 drawings a week

So I’ve been doing a drawing a day, sort of a fun challenge for myself over summer to get better at drawing characters and poses, ive...

TV Series idea

I only have one idea so far but i think its a good one Life can be very boring especially for a 20 something girl who wished she took a...

3 Ideas

So for my practical project I have my heart pretty set on making a graphic novel. Idea 1: My first idea is to focus on an all powerful...


So a friend of mine has commissioned me to create a series of animations for his new band We Are The Trees

Drawing a Day

So ive been doing a drawing a day recently and posting on Instagram, things like character designs and things like that, ive really been...

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